e-learning conference '06  
7th September 2006
15h00 Opening Ceremony
15h30 Invited talk - National Program for Establishment of Virtual Educational Space in Bulgaria – Main Results and Forthcoming Tasks
Ekaterina Vitkova, Angel Smrikarov, Galina Ivanova
16h00 Coffee Break
16h30 Keynote speaker - From Content to Context in Technology Supported Computer Science Teaching and Learning
António Dias de Figueiredo, University of Coimbra, Portugal
20h00 Conference Dinner
8th September 2006
09h00 Paralell Sessions 1.1 to 1.3
10h20 Coffee Break and Poster session
11h00 Paralell Sessions 2.1 to 2.3
12h20 Lunch
15h00 Paralell Sessions 3.1 to 3.3
16h30 Closing Ceremony



To see the detailed program please download the pdf file on the right.

Announcement and Call for participation
    Design by Flor de Utopia