7th September 2006 |
15h00 |
Opening Ceremony |
15h30 |
Invited talk - National Program for Establishment of Virtual Educational Space in Bulgaria – Main Results and Forthcoming Tasks
Ekaterina Vitkova, Angel Smrikarov, Galina Ivanova |
16h00 |
Coffee Break |
16h30 |
Keynote speaker - From Content to Context in Technology Supported Computer Science Teaching and Learning
António Dias de Figueiredo, University of Coimbra, Portugal |
20h00 |
Conference Dinner |
8th September 2006 |
09h00 |
Paralell Sessions 1.1 to 1.3 |
10h20 |
Coffee Break and Poster session |
11h00 |
Paralell Sessions 2.1 to 2.3 |
12h20 |
Lunch |
15h00 |
Paralell Sessions 3.1 to 3.3 |
16h30 |
Closing Ceremony |
To see the detailed program please download the pdf file on the right.